Breast Lump

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Scar Less surgery – Same Day Discharge – Low Cost – Senior Surgeon

Breast Lump

Lumpiness or lump in the breast is a common problem in most women in the mensturating age.

Women experience hormonal surges with each menstural cycle and these cause breast to swell and decrease. Over the years these cyclical changes can cause permanent changes in the breast tissues leading to alteration of breast texture – Either lumpiness or frank lump. Cysts, fibrocystic changes and fibroadenoma are some of the resultant changes seen under microscope.

These changes are experienced by the patient as vague altered texture or as a frank lump in the breast.

Breast Heaviness

With each menstural cycle, there will be surge of estrogen, followed by surge of progestrone in the second half of menstural cycle. This  causes water retention which the patient experiences as swelling of breast and a sensation of heaviness starting around 10 days before the cycle. It will peak towards the cycle and results in   sudden relief with the onset of mensuration.

Cyclical Breast heaviness is completely physiological and one need not worry and can be managed by simple pain killers and good support to the breasts.

Simple Medical Treatment – Assured Relif – Best Hospitals

Breast Heaviness
Breast Pain

Very Simple Treatment- Medicines – Home Remedies

Breast Pain

Pain in the breast is one of the most common complaint in adolescents and  young women.  Breast pain is of two types – Cyclical and Non Cyclical.

Cyclical breast pain is experienced with each cycle of mesturation, felt predominantly in the second half of cycle. It is also called Pre Menstural Pain as it is felt before menses and relieved with menses. The pain experienced is due to the hormonal influence on the breast causing swelling due to congestion. It can be managed by simple pain killers like heaviness.

Non cyclical pain needs medical attention and is usually due to infection within the breast in the form of an abscess or trauma. Breast abscess are commonly seen during breast feeding due to infection of galactoceles ( Milk cysts). Very rarely a cancer of breast could be mistaken for breast abscess. Most cancerous lumps are painless.

Nipple Discharge

We all aware that breast is under the influence of female hormones and occasionally under their influence there could be some secretions coming from the nipple. Such discharges are usually serous ( watery colored) and usually when the delicate balance of hormones is disturbed. This  is commonly seen in PCOD, infertility and in mastitis (Unilateral). Milky discharges are seen during late pregnancies, high prolactin hormone levels ( Pitutary Microadenomas) and after stopping breast feeding occasionally.

Greenish discharges are seen in Peri ductal mastitis and bloody discharges are the most concerning which should always need medical attention.

In general it is advisable to take professional help for any type of nipple discharge!

Medical Treatment – Simple Surgical Remedy- No Scar

Nipple Discharge

Cosmetic Surgery – Pain less Procedure- Same Day Discharge

Inverted Nipple

Galactoceles are milk containing cysts that from in the breast almost exclusively during lactation.

Most common cause for them is obstruction of the milk duct due to nipple abnormalities, infection, trauma and very rarely a tumor.

When breast feeding is contraindicated due to mother or baby health issues, milk can accumulate forming these galactoceles.

Clinically patient experiences galactocele as a rounded painless swelling in the breast. These lumps become painful and very tender when they get infected.

They need attention of a well trained Breast Specialist, to ensure more serious issues are not missed.


Galactoceles are milk containing cysts that from in the breast almost exclusively during lactation.

Most common cause for them is obstruction of the milk duct due to nipple abnormalities, infection, trauma and very rarely a tumor.

When breast feeding is contraindicated due to mother or baby health issues, milk can accumulate forming these galactoceles.

Clinically patient experiences galactocele as a rounded painless swelling in the breast. These lumps become painful and very tender when they get infected.

They need attention of a well trained Breast Specialist, to ensure more serious issues are not missed.


Experienced Doctors – Home Remedies – Day Care Surgery

Axillary Pad of fat

Cosmetic Outcomes – Fine scars -Same day Discharge- Low cost

Axillary Pad of Fat

Axillary Pad of fat aka armpit fat is excess fat deposition where the armpit starts. It is not extension of breast tissue and does not contain breast tissue usally. 

It is found in women even with small to medium breasts and has nothing to do obesity. 

It can be an irritant as women experience a bulge in the arm or tissue spilling out of a bra.

It can be very simply removed through a small surgery with excellent results.

Our Team

We are a team focussed on breast diseases, believe in need of  concerted and co ordinated efforts to achieve best outcomes in specialised Breast Care 

Dr. Ramesh Maturi

Breast Oncoplasty Expert

Babitha Maturi Breast Surgeon

Dr. Babitha Maturi

Women Wellness Expert

Dr Srinath Parijatham

Dr Srinath

Plastic Surgeon

Hyderabad breast Clinic

Breast Counsellor


Benign Breast Diseases - Do they turn cancer later...

A very big concern of the so called benign breast diseases is their ability to cause cancer later in the life. Not all benign diseases have an ability to act as pre cursors of cancer. Those lesions that can increase risk of turning into cancer or predispose development of cancer are call B3 lesions. Identification and management of such lesions is a specialised subject and needs the attention of a breast specialist.