Our Custom built Software Solution and its patient centric design ensures all the activities in the clinic are patient specific with their needs and aspirations met at every step of the journey.
It is designed to provide: 1.Keep the patient updated instantly 2. Comprehensive access to Patient Records to Doctors in a single screen 3. Improving outcomes by education & treatment compliance 4. Remote monitoring & TeleConsultation

Electronic Patient Records
Features & Benefits
Modern Clinics with cutting edge technologies for ease in access, better care experience & improved outcomes.
Single Screen Patient Details
Complete information in a Single Screen- All the treatment encounters, communication and prescriptions.
Pregnancy Tracker
Pregnancy tracking
9 months of patient journey, every step is documented. Every test, every visit and every vital is captured to be collated and interpreted
E Invoicing
All the billing is electronic with an instantaneous copy delivered to your mobile. All expenses at your fingertips for transparency and insurance needs.
Online Appointment
Ease in online appointment booking, instant whatsapp confirmation, No hassle Tele Consultation, Consultation link to mobile & E Prescription